
How do you start a business in the poultry industry?

To start a business in the poultry industry, you need to define some aspects:
-choose what you want to produce: eggs or meat
-define the quantity of eggs or meat you want to produce daily
-the estimated daily quantity allows to establish the numbers of animals you need and the dimensions of the field where you’ll build the farm
-once defined these fundamental characteristics (type of product, field dimension and number of animals) you can choose the type of installation that better fits your needs

How much it costs an installation for X animals?

If you have specific requests for a certain number of animals and you want more information, on our section “Worldwide Network” (www.facco.net/en/world) you can choose your Country and contact the sales manager, or send an email with your request and the Country you’re from to info@facco.net
Remember to include on your request the following information:
-type of installation/equipment you need
-number of animals
-your Country

How can I have an offer for an installation?

If you’re looking for an offer for an installation, on our section “Worldwide Network” (www.facco.net/en/world) you can choose your Country and contact the sales manager, or send an email with your request and the Country you’re from to info@facco.net
Remember to include on your request the following information:
-type of installation/equipment you need
-number of animals
-your Country

How can I contact a Sales Manager?

On our section “Worldwide Network” (www.facco.net/en/world) you can choose your Country and contact the sales manager, or send an email with your request and the Country you’re from to info@facco.net
Remember to include on your request the following information:
-type of installation/equipment you need
-number of animals
-your Country

How much money do I need to invest to start my own farm?

There’s not a specific amount. The initial investment depends on the number of animals which determine the type of installation necessary.

How much food does a hen consume daily?

Hens usually consume from 90gr to 130gr of feed daily, although the specific quantity depends on the breeding type.

What age does a hen stop laying eggs?

Hens usually produce eggs for their entire life although the biggest productivity is focused on the first 3-4 years.

How long does it take for baby chick to become a hen?

The growth of the chicken depends on the breeding type and is usually between 16 and 24 weeks. The correct growth is determined by the quantity of light and temperature the animal is exposed to which are determined by the breeding type.

Can I build a farm in a Country with difficult climate conditions? (very high/low temperature, humidity,…)?

The climate conditions of the Country are not an obstacle in building a farm. Facco offers the best solution for every farm according to the different climate conditions.

How can I assure the optimal conditions to guarantee the well-being and productivity of my farm?

There are different elements that need to be considered to guarantee the optimal conditions of the farm.
-the direction of the farm should be north to south
-the optimal temperature must be ensured through the ventilation system
-an adequate quantity of water and food must be provided
-regular cleaning is mandatory
-when there are visitors at the farm, all the safety and hygiene measures must be adopted

How can I decide the dimension of the farm?

The dimension of the farm is determined by the number of animals and type of installation.

What’s the difference between layers and broilers?

Layers are birds used for eggs productions, while broilers are used for meat.