During cold weather or during the initial phase of chicken life, the thermoregulatory system of birds is not fully developed.
Suspended Hot Air generators
This system, originally designed for hot countries, has been successfully adapted to countries with cold winters. It couples simplicity and reliability with efficiency and flexibility. Associating it with the right type of ventilation great temperature uniformity can be reached. In the standard model the fumes are sent outside the shed but direct burning type models can also be supplied.
Jet Diffuser system
Since many decades this is a system satisfactorily utilized by many Facco's Customers. It can be associated with standard hot air generating units or suspended hot air generator. It is normally equipped with an automatic shutter and an air intake to the outside so that fresh air can be introduced thus granting minimum ventilation.
Hot water heating system
A FACCO exclusive and patented system grants high uniformity in temperature inside a rearing shed. The system sends hot water produced in a dedicated boiler to the DHS heat exchangers which are warming up the air and send it to the manure duct in the middle of the cages. The hot air distributed at birds' level ensures a high temperature uniformity while reducing the fuel consumption, improving the minimum ventilation and the manure drying. The heat exchanger can be equipped with humidifying units to maintain the ideal humidity even while heating. The system is automatic and controlled by the Smart computer.
“Cikky” heating system
Designed and proved in heating of poultry and agricultural sheds it allows to be installed both inside or outside and it is characterized for the peculiar heavy duty constructive features: thanks to the high degree of insulation of its electrical parts (IP 44) and anti condensation devices it can be placed outside even in extreme conditions (high rain or fog percentage in the year).
Hot Air generators
This system uses fixed air heating units in conjunction with a JDV system to send the air through the shed in an economic efficient and uniform way. Various capacity generators with well dimensioned stainless steel combustion chambers combine sturdiness and easy maintenance. The big exchange surface allows fuel efficiency and saving. The fumes produced are sent outside for maximum comfort.